Hi, my name is Alyssa, the breeder behind Free to Fly Frenchies.

I’m a registered nurse and full-time mama of dogs and kiddos. Raising my children and pups is presently my main focus, yet having a medical background has definitely come in handy while raising little boys and dogs!

I was born the maternal and nurturing type. Pregnancy and the infancy stage always enamored me…the beauty of creating life and the nurturing of new babies has resonated with my soul for as long as I can remember…for both human and animal babies alike. As a child I loved (I mean I was low-key obsessed) with animals. My favorite toys were baby dolls, stuffed animals, and baby stuffed animals! As soon as I could convince my mom to buy me real pets (I was two years old and very convincing), I’ve never been without them.

Throughout my lifetime, I’ve been the girl who caught, cleaned up, and released an injured turtle with a broken and infected shell, and the girl who got out of her car to save the rabbit who was just hit by another oncoming vehicle…and I’ve been the girl who rescued and raised a lone orphaned duckling who came peeping on my porch one morning. (True story, I named him “Lucky Ducky” and I raised him for about six months until he became a full grown Mallard gliding off my furniture). I’ll always just have this deep heartfelt love for animals.

I don’t discriminate against species. Over the years, I’ve had cats, dogs, birds, every rodent, rabbit, ferret, a couple of exotic pocket pets, and even some of the reptilian variety. I really do love them all, yet it was the French Bulldog in particular that took my whole heart many years ago. They are unlike any other breed I have ever encountered (which has been many). I became completely smitten with their sweet, loving, and clown-like antics in this small, stocky, and muscular frame. It was an immediate infatuation. So, eventually, I combined my love for the breed with my maternal nature and became a breeder.

Funny story: When I was nine, I got three mice for a science project (I can not even remember what the focus of the project was), so I got these mice, two females and a male. Next thing you know…baby mice! I was hooked and began breeding mice from my bathroom! Here’s this nine-year-old girl, with glass tanks encroaching every inch of the counters and floors of her bathroom, filled with mice. (Sometimes my mom would have me take them to a pet store when the numbers would get high). I would literally choose a breeding pair and isolate them together to experiment with the colors and patterns I could produce. I would even match them for temperament, as some of my mice were actually very sweet. So, I guess you could say, breeding is an innate passion for me!

Being a breeder can sometimes be unpredictable, stressful, or even heartbreaking, yet this doesn’t change the fact that I truly love what I do and I do it with purpose and intention. It brings me so much joy to share my love and legacy of these beautiful and comical companions called Frenchies!

Here’s nine year old me with a basket of baby mice. Yes it’s ok to laugh!